Anime – a word that’s used to describe animations that originate from Japan, is one of the most popular types of comic art that has a huge fandom. Even if you’re not a fan, chances are you’ll have friends or siblings who would be. Anime characters have a very distinctive style, something that’s quite different from their American cartoon and comic counterparts.
With anime gaining much more exposure than it used to have, the fanbase for it has grown exponentially over the years, something that is easily visible by way of conventions and other anime-themed events popping up all over the world.
Seeing as our last post focusing on anime wallpapers was quite a while ago, for this article, I’ll be introducing yet another batch of anime wallpapers, all of which are certified to be safe for work.
Without further ado, here they are!
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The post 40+ Beautiful Anime and Manga Wallpapers appeared first on Hongkiat.